About Fernando

Fernando Tourisme Sarl is a private company, owned and operated by Fernando Belbong.

Fernando tells wonderful stories of his growing up in Vanuatu and the cultures of his people. This video is just a small sample of his way of life – enjoy.

Fernando and other team members are hands-on tour guides, at their best with small or large groups of tourists who just want a good and informative time.


The main transport is a new Mercedes minbus which carries eight people, but there is ready access to a range of larger transports if needed.

Fernando was born in Vanuatu and worked in the tourist industry there before moving to New Caledonia.


In total, Fernando has been in the tourist and hospitality industry for more than 25 years, at least 12 of those in New Caledonia.


He has excellent contacts and can quickly organise tours to suit individuals or groups with special requests.

Specialises in country tours

Fernando Tourisme specialises in country tours, as well as the typical Noumea tours, taking in the sights and attractions of the city and its surrounds. Their knowledge of history and the cultures of the South Pacific can be very entertaining.


Team Fernando are much more than tour guides, as many visitors have discovered.


The testimonials are worth reading.

These Frequently Asked Questions may also help you to make your tour decision.

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